PT KAI Fox Bandung-Banjar Train Travel Schedule Starting June 2023

BANDUNG - PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) Operational 2 areas changed the train journey starting from Bandung Station to Banjar Station starting June 2023. This was enforced by Gapeka 2023. Public Relations manager of PT KAI Daop 2 Mahendro Trang Bawono said the focus of inspections carried out included the readiness of facilities and infrastructure, station facilities, human resource readiness, and other supporting aspects. "This is done to ensure the readiness of all routes during the implementation of Gapeka (Rail Train Travel Creative) 2023. Similar to the preparation during Eid Transportation and Christmas and New Year's Transportation," Mahendro said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, May 26. He said that his party also fostered all workers across the southern route to always be vigilant and prepare well related to train operations as well as their supporters. Because, he said, the change in train schedule would lead to a transition. Hendro explained that Gapeka was a guideline arrangement for the graphically described train travel control for train travel control. The implementation of Gapeka 2023, according to him, led to changes in departure schedules, stopping stations, and KA numbering in most of the trains, both long-distance trains and local trains operating in the Daop 2 Bandung area. Meanwhile, EVP Daop 2 Bandung Takdir Santoso said that the implementation of Gapeka 2023 had an impact on the efficiency of train travel travel time, so that the scheduled departure and arrival of KA also underwent changes.

In Gapeka 2023, according to him, there is an efficiency of long-distance train travel for the departure of the Daop 2 Bandung area for a total of 214 minutes per day. The details, he said, are the efficiency of 40 minutes on the Argo train, 38 minutes on the Executive Train, 74 minutes on the Mixed Executive Train, and 62 minutes on the Economy Train. "With the change in the train departure schedule according to Gapeka 2023, we urge customers to pay attention and reconfirm the train travel schedule when they are going to book and purchase tickets," said Takdir.