KPK Reveals Types Of Fraud During Road Construction: Naughty Buyers To Job Ijon

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) revealed that there are various types of corrupt practices that occur when building infrastructure such as roads. This data was obtained from a study conducted in 2017."This study maps several typology of corrupt practices that occur related to road infrastructure, namely fraudulent acts by contractors and supervisors, job receipts, and job consent practices," Acting KPK Spokesperson for Prevention Ipi Maryati told reporters, Thursday, May 25.Ipi also said that this mode usually begins with the earliest process, namely budgeting. Most bribes or gratuities occur."KPK also found corrupt practices, even starting from planning, budgeting, to supervision. With the most modes of corruption, bribery and abuse of authority are bribes," he said.The anti-corruption commission confirmed that this condition occurred in the field because many cases were handled related to infrastructure development. Among them are bribery for road construction in Bengkalis to project corruption at the PUPR Office of Musi Banyuasin Regency.It is hoped that the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) can take precautions. One way, said Ipi, is to improve governance with the reference for an integrity assessment survey (SPI) which fell from 82.64 in 2021 to 73.59 in 2022."In SPI 2022, the Ministry of PUPR won 73.59 from the national average score of 71.94. This score decreased from the previous year in 2021 to 82.64," he said.
All recommendations to improve the SPI have been submitted. The KPK asked not to ignore things because monitoring would be carried out."From the results of the SPI, the KPK has also provided recommendations and together with the Ministry of PUPR are preparing a repair action plan whose implementation is monitored by the KPK," concluded Ipi.