Bandung City Government Closes Piles Of Mounting Garbage With Seng At Ciwastra Market TPS
The Bandung City Government covered a pile of mounting garbage in the Ciwastra Market temporary waste disposal site (TPS) which had exceeded its capacity.
Bandung Mayor Ema Sumarna said the closure was to ensure and prepare infrastructure for waste control at Ciwastra Market.
"We will close it with zinc so that people will come to the market and not immediately look at the mountains of garbage. Gradually within three days, we can clean it up," Ema said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, May 8.
According to Ema, Perumda Pasar must also solve the waste problem of Ciwastra Market TPS so as not to mount and become a burden for the Environment Agency (DLH).
"Perumda Pasar must have responsibility. We will discuss this," said Ema.
Apart from that, Ema also encourages regional officials to continue educating residents about waste. So that residents can reduce waste production and can hold back from throwing garbage into the TPS.
"The public still thinks that the waste is the remaining items that must be far away and there is no thought to be used. This is a big job, educating the public is not easy," said Ema.
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Ema said that now as many as 20 out of 55 polling stations in Bandung City are starting to return to normal, and currently, the number of polling stations is overloaded in Bandung City, there are 35 polling stations remaining.
As for the accumulation of waste that is still happening in a number of polling stations, said Ema, this cannot be separated from the normalization process at the Sarimukti TPA, but the Bandung City Government has carried out various waste processing efforts.
Starting from the optimization of temporary TPA in Cicabe, to education to the public regarding waste processing.
Currently, the Bandung City Government's efforts through the Environment Agency are to water sereh oil for the time being to reduce unpleasant odors due to piled up waste, especially at polling stations adjacent to the market.
Ema is optimistic that efforts to handle waste in the city of Bandung will gradually return to normal and will be better with several efforts and approaches such as education to the community.
"This city belongs to each other. Let's be proportionally responsible, which one is the responsibility of the government, which one is community participation," he said.