Yakin Dito Mahendra Masih Di Indonesia, Bareskrim Ancam Pidana Pihak Yang Berhidup

JAKARTA - The Director of Umun Criminal Acts (Dirtipidum) of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police Brigadier General Pol Djuhandani emphasized that the parties protecting the suspect in the alleged crime of possessing illegal firearms, Dito Mahendra, hiding could be punished.

"If anyone tries to protect it, it can be criminalized. Therefore, I urge (Dito Mahendra) to surrender himself," said Djuhandani in Semarang, Thursday, May 4, confiscated by Antara.

Djuhandani believes Dito Mahendra is still in Indonesia.

From the investigation carried out, he continued, the suspect has not been seen at immigration crossings or airlines.

Bareskrim itself, he continued, had clarified claims regarding the ownership of 15 firearms to Kodam IV/Diponegoro.

"It has been clarified not belonging to the Diponegoro Regional Military Command. It has been checked in the register book belonging to Kodam IV/Diponegoro," he said.

Currently, he continued, Bareskrim is still investigating the report against Kodam IV/Diponegoro against Dito Mahendra regarding allegations of defamation.

Dito Mahendra was dragged into an illegal possession of firearms after the KPK searched his residence on Monday, March 13. 15 firearms of various types were found which were then handed over to the Police for investigation.

The results of the investigation by the National Police, of the 15 firearms, as many as nine were declared unlicensed or did not have official or illegal documents.

The type of nine illegal firearms, namely one Glock 17 pistol, one Revolver S&W, one pistol Clock 19 Zev, one Angletd Arms pistol, one Noveske Refleworks rifle, one AK 101 rifle, one Heckler & Koch G 36 rifle, one Heckler & Koch MP 5 pistol, and one Walther Wind Rifle.

The nine illegal firearms were used as evidence in a case handled by the Directorate of Crime and Criminal Investigation of the National Police regarding the alleged violation of criminal acts Article 1 paragraph (1) of Law Number 12 of 1951.