Indonesia Recession, JCI Jumps 1.4 Percent: Foreigners Buy Stocks Of BCA, BRI, And Telkom

JAKARTA - The Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) jumped again. At the end of the weekend, Friday, November 6, the JCI strengthened 75.20 points or 1.43 percent to the level of 5,335.53.

Within a week, the JCI was able to strengthen up to 4.04 percent. In fact, the JCI was recorded to have increased by 18.52 percent in the last six months.

Today, all sectoral indices rose along with the JCI. The total volume of transactions this Friday reached 12.87 billion shares with a transaction value of IDR 10.50 trillion, of which 263 shares rose, 161 shares fell, and 188 were stagnant.

Binaartha Sekuritas analyst, M. Nafan Aji Gusta Utama said, the strengthening of the JCI was driven by market euphoria towards the implementation of the US election which was very democratic.

"There is also a sentiment from the economic recovery in the country. The market also appreciates the Fed for maintaining its interest rate at 0.25 percent," Nafan explained to VOI.

As for today's trade, foreign investors recorded a net buy, aka a net buy of IDR827.68 billion in all markets.

The stocks with the largest foreign net purchases were PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BBCA) with IDR284.2 billion, PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (BBRI) IDR267.3 billion, and PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (TLKM) IDR80.8 billion.