
JAKARTA - As an effort to support the supply of Government Rice Reserves (CBP) for Food SOE Holding ID FOOD with the National Food Agency (NFA), the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), conducted a harvest with the Dem of the superior Seed Cultivation Area.

ID FOOD President Director Frans Marganda Tambunan, in Jakarta Saturday, October 21, said the harvest was carried out at the ID FOOD subsidiary's agricultural land location, PT Sang Hyang Seri, in Sukamandi, Subang.

Today the ID FOOD together, NFA, and BRIN have harvested together the superior seed cultivation products of a number of varieties. The development carried out on this Food SOE Holding land is a form of our support for the development of an efficient, precision, and added value agricultural system," he said.

According to Frans, after the harvest, the entire team from ID FOOD, NFA, and BRIN will evaluate both the productivity and efficiency of the business model. This step is in line with the goal of development collaboration, namely to realize close-loop agriculture which can increase national rice productivity to meet CBP supply.

The harvest is currently underway on the Dem Area land. The yield from the harvest will be absorbed by Perum BULOG to increase CBP stock. It is hoped that from a number of development models carried out, a blueprint will be obtained to be applied on a wider scale. So that it can support the supply of CBP managed by BULOG in a sustainable manner," he explained.

The Dem Area has a total area of 47.25 ha and is divided into 3 blocks, namely Block S 20 implements a Great variety and Inpari 48 covering an area of 16.15 ha with the application of BRIN technology, Block S18 applies a Great variety of 16.10 with technology from PT Biota, and Block S17 applies an MSP 65 variety covering an area of 15 ha with MSP 65 technology.

Meanwhile, President Director of PT Sang Hyang Seri Adhi Cahyono Nugroho said, collaboration in developing superior varieties in the Sukamandi Regional Dem can create efficient and productive agricultural areas with the best cultivation models.

"Dem area ini momentum transfer knowledge untuk mendapat pengetahuan teknologi budaya yang dapat meningkatkan produktivitas hasil panen dan mendukung pemenuhan stok pangan nasional," jelasnya.

Head of NFA as well as Plt. Minister of Agriculture Arief Prasetyo Adi said this collaboration is an example of an integrated rice ecosystem model from upstream to downstream. This will inspire our enthusiasm to continue to strengthen CBP supply in Perum Bulog, so that dependence on rice imports can begin to be resolved," he said.

According to Arief, this harvest is a collaboration with many parties. He said breakthroughs like this are important to be implemented massively, because they can support the stability of stock availability and rice prices, especially in anticipating the impact of the El Nino phenomenon. This synergy needs to be strengthened by optimizing the role of the Ministry of Agriculture which is indeed focused on increasing national food production.

The joint harvest was attended by the Head of BRIN Laksana Tri Handoko, Representatives of the DPR RI, Commissioner of ID FOOD, and Regent of Subang.

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