
JAKARTA - In this digital era, buying and selling between countries can in fact be done very easily. The marketplace platform is a "bridge" between sellers and buyers of different countries, with the same goods delivery mechanism exactly as domestic transactions.

Thanks to the sophistication of this technology, opportunities for products made in Indonesian local MSMEs to be able to expand overseas markets are increasingly wide open.

One of the leading e-commerce platforms that has become the "bridge" for exports of local MSME players is Shopee.

This E-commerce one presents innovations in the form of an Export Program that allows sellers in Indonesia to sell their goods to various countries in Southeast Asia, East Asia, and Latin America.

In less than a week, Indonesian original products can reach the front door of shoppers' homes from various countries.

In the context of the Indonesian economy, the Shopee Export Program has a significant positive impact to encourage more Indonesian products to be exported abroad. This is Indonesia's target to further explore the export market.

"If you already have a solid base in the domestic market, MSMEs can have better opportunities to penetrate exports. For this reason, the government will continue to support increasing the capacity of MSMEs to export-oriented," said the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia, Zulkifli Hasan while attending the Madiun City Chamber of Commerce and Industry meeting last week.

The existence of this Export Program does not only bring many benefits to local sellers, but also buyers from abroad who can buy products from Indonesia easily.

For example Amelia Zanetta, an Indonesian citizen who lives and works in Malaysia. Netta has become one of many people who enjoy the benefits of this Shopee Export Program. He can easily buy Indonesian products through the Shopee Malaysia platform.

"In the past, I used to go back and forth from Indonesia very often because if I bought cloth there it was cheap, so, often buying a lot so it was sewn here to be clothes. Now I can buy products in Indonesia more easily through Shopee, I can also buy cloth, I want to buy clothes, so I can also. It's easier because I don't need to go back and forth in Indonesia, I can just buy it directly because there are many choices and just send it home," Netta said.

Not only easy, if Netta wants to offer a product to a friend who can't speak Indonesian, Netta doesn't have to bother to share the language because everything is directly interpreted as English.

In the process of buying the products, it is no different from buying products from the country directly. Goods will immediately reach the front of the house without having to pay for transportation, let alone far away from people's countries.

Shopee also makes it easier for foreign buyers who want to buy specific products from Indonesia. The trick is to choose the symbol of the Indonesian flag as a sign of the country of origin of the product.

With this feature, buyers can quickly and easily find products originating from Indonesia so that they can choose products that suit their preferences and needs.

One of the features that make it easier for Netta to buy Indonesian products from Malaysia is the "Global Deals" page provided by Shopee from outside Indonesia. On this page, buyers can easily find various attractive promos available in various countries, including Indonesia.

This provides a more diverse and profitable shopping experience as buyers can take advantage of exclusive promos that may not be available in their own country.

The Shopee Export Program is one of the innovations that provides concrete benefits, both for sellers and buyers. Based on Shopee data, there have been more than 20 million local MSME products exported through the Shopee Export Program until October 2023.

The easier it is for Indonesian products to be reached by international buyers is a positive step in supporting global economic growth and trade, as well as making international trade easier and more affordable for all parties involved.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)