Expanding Market Shares, Indonesia's Super Depot Opens Supermarkets For Building Materials In Cileungsi
Photo: Doc. Super Depo


JAKARTA - PT Super Depo Bangunan Indonesia officially opened its first Super Depot Building Shop on Jalan Raya Cikuda Wanaherang No. 8B, Cileungsi, Bogor Regency, Thursday, October 5. This supermarket of building materials from Super Depo is expected to be a one-stop shopping for the people of Indonesia and especially for the people of Bogor who want to complete all their needs and home supplies.

Super Depo built the building material supermarket on an area of nearly 8,000 square meters, with a sales area of 3,000 square meters, and sold more than 20,000 categorical products.

"We carry the slogan 'Super Complete, Super Save, Super Depo' for this latest store. We hope this tool can complete all the needs and equipment of the community's homes," said Director of PT Super Depo Bangunan Indonesia, Anna Lestari Widjaja, in an official statement, Monday 9 October.

Anna added, Super Depot in Cikuda can meet the needs of shopping for building materials and home supplies through products from each category at affordable prices, such as; Granite Tile and ceramics, SPC, carpets, paint and equipment, as well as keys and door handles.

In addition, there are kitchen utensils such as sanitari, kitchen sinks, water heaters, building materials, ornamental lights and sickles, tools tools, electrical equipment, stoves, and other household needs.

"Visitors will be spoiled with modern building designs and the preparation of attractive goods, making it easier to choose various house renovation needs, from ceramics to roofs, as well as the needs of indoor and outdoor buildings," Anna explained.

In addition, building and household equipment, Super Depo in Cikuda also provides culinary tenants such as 68 cafes and Tatar Sundanese restaurants for visitors to relax and take culinary tours with Cileungsi river views, enjoy food and drinks after shopping.

Superdepo also provided a special grand opening promo on October 05-12 November 2023, without being drawn in the form of Umrah packages, holiday packages to Bali, Motorcycles, Iphones 14, and many more.

"Super Depo Cikuda is committed to providing quality products at affordable prices and the best service to all of our customers," said Anna.

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