
JAKARTA - Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) Sakti Wahyu Trenggono officially issued a Circular (SE) regarding the Implementation Stage of the Measurable Fish Fishing Policy (PIT) in 2023. At least seven things or stages were carried out this year before the PIT began in full in the upcoming 2024 fishing season.

PIT is one of the five priority blue economy programs promoted by the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP).

"The quota-based PIT policy aims to maintain the sustainability of marine ecosystems, improve the quality and competitiveness of fishery products, improve people's welfare, and encourage quality national economic growth," said the Minister of KP Sakti in a written statement, quoted on Saturday, October 7.

The following is a list of seven stages of implementing the PIT policy as quoted in SE Number B.1569/MEN-KP/X/2023 dated October 2, 2023:

1. Current Licensing Evaluation

In this stage of licensing evaluation, it includes a Fishery Business License (SIUP), Business Licensing, Fish Fishing Subsectors, and Business Licensing for the current active Fish Transportation Subsector.

Pada tahap evaluasi, pelaku usaha perikanan diminta untuk melakukan evaluasi mandiri terhadap SIUP, SIPI, SIKPI, serta operasional kapal penangkapan sepanjang tahun ini. Pelaporan dibuat dalam format mudah dan concise serta dilaporkan secara elektronik melalui aplikasi SILAT/SIMKADA pada moduli Evaluasi Mandiri paling lambat 27 Oktober 2023.

2. Provision of Business Permits for the remainder of the 2023 Arrest Season

The granting of business licensing includes a sub-sector for fishing and transportation of new fish or extensions for the remainder of the 2023 fishing season.

For business actors who have business licenses for fishing sub-sectors or fish transportation whose validity period will expire until December 31, 2023, they will be given time for an extension no later than October 31.

This provision is excluded for sub-sector fishing business actors whose permits are issued by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries and have used the post-production Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) mechanism for Fishery Products (PHP).

Business actors who have new licensing issued by the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries can fill out the Mandiri Calculation Report (LPM) in the e-PIT application and pay Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP).

3. Changes in SIUP Licensing Format, Subsectors for Catching and Transportation of Fish into PIT Formats

The change in licensing format was made with the application of business actors through their respective accounts on the SILAT/SIMKADA application for the Format Amendment module which was submitted no later than November 18, 2023.

4. Fish Fishing Season Licensing Service 2024

Applications and services for fishing quota certificates, business licensing sub-sectors for fishing and transportation for the 2024 fishing season will start on November 21 to December 29, 2023.

Licensing services under the authority of the governor must be carried out through the SIMKADA application which is integrated with the OSS. Meanwhile, licensing of the authority of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries is carried out through the SILAT application which is also integrated with OSS.

5. Fishery Ship Feasibility Certificate Service (SKKP)

Ship owners who have SKKP can submit an SKKP update to the Director General of Capture Fisheries or the Head of the Fisheries Port of the Technical Implementation Unit of the Directorate General of Capture Fisheries.

The SKKP update application is submitted no later than October 31, 2023 and can be submitted more than 3 months before the SKKP validity period ends.

6. Installation and activation of Fisherypal Monitoring Systems (SPKP)

The installation and activation of SPKP for ships resulting from licensing migration will be carried out no later than December 31, 2023. For ships that do not fulfill the obligation to install and activate SPKP, SLO and PB cannot be issued.

Installation and activation of SPKP for governorship ships no later than 1 year after the promulgation of Government Regulation Number 11 of 2023 concerning Measurable Fishing (or 6 March 2024).

7. Use of the PIT Application electronically or e-PIT All fishing vessels and fish transportation above 5 gross tonnage (GT) must use the e-PIT application no later than January 1, 2024. The application can be downloaded on the google play store or via the https;/bit.ly/e-PIT link.

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