JAKARTA - Bank DKI Finance & Strategy Director, Romy Wijayanto won the award as Indonesia Best CFO 2023 with Predicate: Very Good, along with 10 other Finance Directors / Heads Financial Officers (CFO) from various industries.
This predicate was given by SWA Media Group in collaboration with SWA Network at the Indonesia Best CFO 2023 SWA event, which was held in Jakarta on Wednesday, October 4. This event is a prestigious award for outstanding CFOs in Indonesia in a strategic role in developing the company's financial performance to be stronger, stronger, and more competitive.
SWA Media Group Chief Editor, Kemal E. Gani explained that this program is a curation program to find and present the best Indonesian CFO that can be used as best practices.
"With this program, we hope that we can give birth to more CFOs that can provide effective breakthroughs in the financial sector, can boost their financial performance, can make efficiency, and so on," said Kemal.
The theme of Indonesia Best CFO in 2023 is Financial Resources & Strategy to Achieve Top Performance. Kemal continued, there were several stages that were carried out in finding Best CFO in Indonesia.
First, conduct a reference study based on the database it has, to search for CFO that is included in the criteria and invited to the program. Broadly speaking, the criteria used to perform initial selection include: CFO track record, the company's background with positive performance and continuing to grow, to be later invited as a candidate participant.
After that, the candidates for Best CFO were asked to create and send a paper with the offline set, for the paper to be judged by the jury and selected by the top 10 candidates for Best CFO recipients.
Best CFO candidates who were included in the top 10, who were later invited to present and tested through interviews sessions by independent and senior judges in their fields, including Prof. Ir Roy Sembel from IPMI International Busines School, Reinaldy Firmansyah who is also the Independent Commissioner of Indonesia Infrastructure Finance (IIF), Prof Djoko Wintoro PHD who is the vice chancellor of Prasetya Mulya, and Philips Purnama, who currently serves as CEO of the J&D Nickel Smelter Group.
Factors assessed by the judges include: Clarity of problem identification, Strategy & breakthrough to achieve targets, Results, and Skills in presentations. As a result, from the judging process set by Top 10 Indonesia Best CFO 2023.
Director of Finance & Strategy, Romy Wijayanto expressed his gratitude and was very honored for the award given.
The various indicators for improving Bank DKI's consistent business performance are also the result of the hard work and collaboration of the Management team and all Bank DKI personnel, who have been disciplined in executing various strategic programs and initiatives, thus directly encouraging the growth of Bank DKI's performance. Therefore, this award is dedicated to all Bank DKI personnel who have succeeded in realizing real results based on collaborative behavior. In addition, it is also dedicated to Shareholders, Authorities, customers and partners who continue to give confidence in Bank DKI," said Romy.
Romy added, in carrying out Bank DKI's financial management, he designed a roadmap as a strategy to achieve a vision of sustainable financial performance, focusing on 7 main strategies. The first strategy is to increase retability through an increase in Earning After Tax, NIM, ROA, ROE, NPL, LAR and Coverage Ratio.
The second strategy is to maintain liquidity and capital at a safe level and in accordance with the provisions. Third, optimizing existing businesses in the niche market by improving business processes to meet the expectations of Shareholders and customers.
The fourth strategy is to prepare Bank capabilities to be able to capture new business opportunities, especially related to technological disruptions in the digital era, through digitalization initiatives.
Then, the fifth strategy is to encourage the creation of a business ecosystem for Bank DKI by maximizing the potential of DKI Jakarta Linkage. Sixth, increasing collaboration and internal synergy between Work Units so that it is more solid by making all Work Supporting Units a business partner.
The seventh strategy is to prepare competent human resources to support sustainable business performance.
"The main role of CFO must be able to become a company orchestrator," added Romy.
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Based on the implementation of these various strategies, Bank DKI recorded an impressive performance achievement with an increase in Bank DKI's net profit in December 2022 to IDR 939.11 billion, which is the Company's highest profit achievement since its establishment. Profit grew 29.11 percent compared to the December 2021 period of IDR 727.36 billion.
This is also in line with the support of an increase in total assets by 11.51 percent to IDR 78.88 trillion in December 2022, from IDR 70.74 trillion in the same period the previous year, and growing sustainably in 2023.
Bank DKI Corporate Secretary, Arie Rinaldi, shows support and is also proud of the achievements achieved by the Director of Finance & Strategy of Bank DKI, Romy Wijayanto.
"Mr. Romy Wijayanto's spirit and leadership is expected to be a trigger for motivation and inspiration for all Bank DKI personnel to continue to grow, develop, and increasingly show their contribution to Bank DKI's business performance, to realize their vision as a Bank of Choice for Advanced and Prosperous Jakarta," concluded Arie.
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