Deputy Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Kartika Wirjoatmodjo revealed that the continuation of the plan to merge PT Angkasa Pura I and II.
He said, later a company would be formed as a holding company to combine the management of airports owned by the two companies.
For your information, currently Angkasa Pura I (AP I) manages 15 airports spread throughout Indonesia. Meanwhile, Angkasa Pura II (AP II) manages 20 airports.
"Well, we want a strategic holding company above it to combine it. So that later we will have an interaction process to build a complete air transportation ecosystem," he told reporters at the Sarinah Building, Jakarta, Tuesday, October 3.
The man who is familiarly called Tiko explained that this merger was an effort to integrate air services.
Because, he said, so far the airport management has been separate between the west and east.
"Because we see the integration of this air service must be integrated. Because yesterday we planned separately west and east," said Tiko.
In addition, Tiko said, the Ministry of SOEs is also considering the separation or spin off of the airport business entity (BUBU) specifically for Soekarno-Hatta Airport and Bali's I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport.
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Soekarno-Hatta Airport itself is currently under the management of AP II.
Meanwhile, I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport is under the management of AP I.
"For example, like Jakarta and Bali, maybe we will spin off to become an OPCO (operating company) separately with our own BUBU," he said.
Even so, Tiko admitted that he could not confirm whether a new company would be formed to manage the two airports.
This is because his party still has to adjust the existing regulations at the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub).
"If the Permenhub Allows us to release Bali and Soekarno-Hatta as separate OPCOs, we want to release them as separate OPCOs, so that later they can be fundraising, easier expansion," he explained.
But what is certain, Tiko said, is that his party has set a strategic holding target that integrates the management of 35 airports under AP I and AP II which can be completed this year.
"This year the holding is finished, but later after that we will see if we will spin off some of the big BUBU," he said.
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