
JAKARTA After completing a series of agendas for the 2023 Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) Annual Meeting at Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt earlier this week, Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani took the time to stop in one of the cities.

It was stated that the Minister of Finance and his entourage traveled overland for 2.5 hours to reach their intended destination.

Throughout the journey, the list of the highest mountainous ranks was seen on Egyptian soil. There are two places shown by our local guide, Ahmed. First, the tomb of Prophet Harun AS, which is located on the highlands where the Bedorin people live. Very neatly maintained," he said in a written statement, Wednesday, September 27.

The Minister of Finance explained that the next destination was the Saint Catherine monasteries. He said, this is one of the oldest monasteries in the world to continue to live in since its construction around 548-565.

"Let's also be the home of one of the oldest libraries in the world, with very rare collections -as written by the Prophet Muhammad to these monasteries," he said.

The Minister of Finance was amazed that there were so many relics and stories about the history that had been neatly stored for centuries in this monastery.

Entering it is really like entering a timeline. This is a form of history that is maintained and maintained so beautifully. As an Indonesian nation, let's continue to maintain and care for our history, "said the state treasurer.

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