JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Transportation plans to build Loleo Airport in North Maluku. This airport will be built with non-APBN creative funding. Therefore, the private sector will be involved in the development.
Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi invited the private sector to build an airport through a Government Cooperation with Business Entities (PPP) scheme. Meanwhile, the local government will carry out land acquisition.
Budi conveyed this plan after reviewing the airport construction location in Tidore Islands City, North Maluku Province, Friday, September 15. The location of the new airport candidate is located in Aketobololo Village, about 23 kilometers (km) from Sofifi City, North Maluku Capital City.
"Today we are going to Loleo, North Maluku Province, we plan to build an airport that will complement the capital city of North Maluku, namely Sofifi," he said in an official statement, Friday, September 15.
Loleo Airport in North Maluku is planned to be built on an area of 400 hectares, with a runway length of 2,400 meters and a width of 45 meters.
Budi hopes that the existence of this new Loleo airport will further support transportation in North Maluku, especially Sofifi City.
"In addition, tourism, which is a mainstay of North Maluku, can be encouraged, investors who will carry out mining activities get a proper airport, and new airports can be used for Hajj flights," he said.
On the same occasion, North Maluku Governor Abdul Ghani Kasuba conveyed that North Maluku's dream to have an airport near the provincial capital is now becoming more real. This is because the airport is a crucial need for the community.
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Abdul Ghani said that so far the most flight activities have been carried out at Sultan Babullah Airport, Ternate Island. Meanwhile, the majority of the population is on Halmahera Island, which is the largest island in North Maluku.
"This airport will later be used as a hajj airport, investors can also build tourism and we have fish barns that will also be supported by this airport," he said.
Meanwhile, a member of Commission V DPR RI, Irine Yusiana, said connectivity has always been a challenge in North Maluku.
"So whatever central support related to transportation-related development should be welcomed and fully supported," he said.
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