
JAKARTA - Of the 197 countries in the world, not all of them are able to continue to advance to become developed countries.

The majority of countries are trapped at low or middle income country levels. There are only about 20 countries that are separated from the middle-income trap and become high income countries.

This was conveyed by the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani when she had the opportunity to give a keynote speech at the National Seminar for Corruption Prevention in Governance and Export-Import Services organized by the Indonesian National Police (Polri).

One of the characteristics of developed countries is being able to suppress and change corruption so that it is not a factor in the erosion of the country's progress. As said by former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, corruption is the most important enemy for the country to progress," he said in a written statement in Jakarta, Thursday, September 14.

Sri Mulyani revealed that she personally welcomed the initiative of this seminar. It was stated that the important step taken by the National Police was one of the best tones from the top,

"Pesan pimpinan Kepolisian Republik Indonesia yang benar memberikan semangat," tuturnya.

He added that the spirit of anti-corruption in the export-import sector is very relevant in supporting state revenues.

He said, the Import Value Added Tax (VAT) contributed 13 percent of the total tax revenue for one year.

In addition, the import Income Tax (PPh) also added 3.8 percent to the state treasury.

"The indirect impact is also extraordinary, ranging from corporate income tax, VAT, to job creation," he added.

The Minister of Finance expressed his appreciation to the ranks of the Police, especially the National Police Chief Listyo Sigit, who has helped, and strengthened the ranks of the Ministry of Finance to carry out difficult economic tasks.

"To collect state revenues whose goal is to return to the people's economy. Let's jointly increase our cooperation and cohesiveness, because in the end Indonesia is our land of bloodshed. Where we fight to advance the nation, state, and people to achieve a just and prosperous Indonesia. The Tribrata 'Jakarta, September 14, 2023," closed the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

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