The Ministry of Trade said that monitoring and inspection activities of imported goods were efforts to build a healthy business climate.
"Supervision and inspection activities are not to seek, but to create a healthy business climate," said Director of Commerce Order of the Ministry of Trade Tommy Andana at the Business Licensing Dissemination in the Field of Consumer Protection and Trade Orderly in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Tuesday 12 September.
"The Regulation of the Minister of Trade (Permendag) Number 28 of 2018, which was then perfected by Permendag 51 of 2020, regulates the post-border inspection process to accelerate business climate development through simplification of the import trading system process," he explained.
Tommy said that the imported goods could be used after fulfilling the terms or conditions imposed.
He explained that the Ministry of Trade seeks to enforce laws and regulations by checking matters related to the requirements for the import of goods approval, including reports, mandatory Indonesian National Standards (SNI), Goods Registration Number (NPB), and/or type approvals, as required by Permendag number 21 of 2023.
Regulation of the Minister of Trade Number 21 of 2023 contains Amendments to Regulation of the Minister of Trade Number 26 of 2021 concerning Stipulation of Standards for Business Activities and Products in the Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing in the Trade Sector.
Dalam kegiatan pemeriksaan dan pengawasan, katanya, kewajiban impendir sudah ditentukan, misalnya seperti dalam hal teknis.
Tommy said they have an e-reporting system that records all PIB (Notification of Imports of Goods), both those that are in accordance with the provisions and those that are not.
If they find that there are parties who do not meet the specified requirements, he said, then his party will carry out the inspection and supervision process.
"For example, if the technical requirements have not been met, please complete them first," said Tommy.
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Tommy added that in his work, there were several steps, namely regular examination of these items, such as administrative matters; after that there was a special examination; as well as supervision, he said. The things they do include inspection, asking for clarification, and checking warehouses when deemed necessary.
"If it's complete, we consider it finished," he added.
He also said that if the requirements were incomplete, sanctions would be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the ministry. For goods, he said, destruction could be carried out. As for business actors and importers, he said, their Business Identification Number (NIB) could be revoked.
If there are efforts that are not cooperative when summoned to provide clarification, he said, they will cooperate with the Directorate General of Customs and Excise so that the business is temporarily frozen.
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