
PT PLN (Persero) will soon launch an Electric Power Supply Business Plan (RUPTL) until 2040.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo revealed that the addition of the New Renewable Energy Source (EBT) portion in the RUPTL is 60 Giga Watt (GW) until 2024.

"This means that 75 percent of the additional power plants will be based on EBT, and the rest will be gas-based," Darmawan told the media at the Nusantara Power Connect 2023 event, Monday, September 11.

Later, the latest RUPTL will also map new and renewable Energy Sources (EBT) baseloads on a large scale in areas located far from high electricity demand areas in big cities through the construction of the Green Enabling Transmission Line.

In addition, PLN will also build a smart grid so that it can build all EBT potentials throughout Indonesia such as hydro, geothermal, wind, diesel and waves.

Of the 60GW, continued Darmo, Darmawan's nickname, 32 GW of which are EBT base load electricity sources and the rest are intermittent.

"For this reason, it is planned that the addition of 32 GW EBT baseloads will enter the electricity ecosystem until 2040," he said.

Darmawan argued that the smart grid construction will also be equipped with a state of the art of technology where a flexible generation scenario is built, plus smart transmission, smart control center, smart distribution, smart meters so that there will be additional EBT variables, which previously only 5 GW until 2040 can be added to 28 GW EBT variables.

"With the design of this new RUPTL, of course, the hope is how economic growth can be maintained," explained Darmawan.

Previously, Darmawan continued, in the RUPTL design process 3 years ago PLN had cut a total of 13 GW of coal-based power plants or Steam Power Plants (PLTU).

"That means reducing GRK emissions by around 1.8 billion tons of CO2 for 25 years," added Darmawan.

In addition, there is a PLTU that has a contract with PLN with a capacity of 1.3 GW which has been canceled and is estimated to reduce GHG emissions by more than 150 million tons of CO2 in 25 years.

"Then at that time we designed the greenest RUPTL in the history of PLN and Indonesia, 51.6 percent of the additional capacity based on EBT. Then at that time it was announced that there was a net zero emission program in 2060," concluded Darmawan.

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