
JAKARTA - Director of New Energy and Renewable Energy (EBT) of the Ministry of Mineral Resources Energy (ESDM) A Feby Misna assesses that the use of rooftop Solar Power Plants (PLTS) saves 20-30 percent of the cost of household electricity expense per month.

"According to customer data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the existence of the Roof Solar Power Plant can save people's electricity bills by around 20-30 percent," Feby said in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, September 6.

According to him, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources recorded that as of July 2023, the number of PLTS Roofs in Indonesia was 7,472 or an increase from the previous 5,926 of the same period last year.

Thousands of PLTS Roof customers are not only for a series of households, but also for business people such as retail and manufacturing industries.

Feby added that the number of solar panel electricity customers for business and industrial segmentation showed a major increase in Jakarta, Banten and West Java, currently there are 1,568 users with a Roof PLTS capacity of 4.03 MW to 23.02 MW.

"The increase in capacity is 6.83 percent or the total national value is 105.24 MW of the resulting power," he said.

Head of the Marketing Section of PT. Surya Utama Nuansa (SUN) Energy Indonesia M Agiya Fersya said, based on the inventory of company customer data, the Roof PLTS was able to save about 30 percent of the expenditure usually paid for conventional electricity fueled by fossil fuels per month.

In fact, according to several other users, Rooftop PLTS which has a power of 1,200 kWp can save up to around IDR 200 million per year.

"So you can see the benefits of investing in Rooftop PLTS, an average of 3 years or a maximum of 5-6 years the investment value has returned," he said.

Agiya invites the public to look more closely at the use of Rooftop Solar Power Plants as an economically and environmentally friendly long-term source of electrical energy.

Rooftop PLTS is also considered as a solution to reduce carbon emissions, industrial exhaust gas that has contributed to increasing air pollution in the capital city over the past month.

"Sun is free and always there is a PLTS that is more flexible than other ETBs such as mills, water driving generators as a source of electrical energy far from the capital city," he added.

As a government partner, he stated, his company continues to accelerate the acceleration of the use of solar power as a National ETB.

Until now, his party has produced 468 million kWh of clean energy or equivalent to 13 billion trees embedded for one year or has reduced 421 million kilograms of CO2.

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