JAKARTA - The Tourism BUMN Holding and its Supporters PT Aviasi Wisata Indonesia (Persero) or InJourney will feature the Sanur Health Special Economic Zone (KEK) development project in the flagship event ASEAN Indo Pacific Forum (AIPF).
For your information, AIPF will be held on September 5 to September 6, 2023 in Jakarta. AIPF is an important event to strengthen bilateral relations between countries.
President Director of InJourney, Dony Oskaria revealed that the development of the Sanur SEZ offers end-to-end travel channels that integrate health and tourism services with various facilities located within the region, implementing international standards and the involvement of various parties both from within and outside the country.
Furthermore, Dony said that the development of the Sanur SEZ is a strategic transformation step to create various added values for Indonesia.
"With the Sanur SEZ, Indonesia will have a world-class health service center and will become a new tourism magnet through the concept of medical & wellness tourism. We also support AIPF activities which will be held on September 5-6, 2023 by presenting the Sanur SEZ showcase," he said in an official statement, Sunday, September 3.
Dony said the Sanur Health SEZ is a national project to answer the challenges of the Indonesian people's need for complete and international quality health facility services.
"We hope that this event can attract investors to cooperate with us," said Dony.
According to Dony, with the construction of the Sanur SEZ, Indonesia will capture the country's foreign exchange of IDR 97.6 trillion per year which was previously spent abroad to get health services. This amount is spent by around 2 million Indonesians who seek treatment abroad.
Built in an area of 41.26 Ha owned by PT Hotel Indonesia Natour (PT HIN) which is a member of the InJourney Group, SEZ Sanur will be developed as a center for international world-class health and tourism services/standardly with integrated state-the art facilities.
There are accommodation facilities consisting of hotels and resorts of up to 1,000 rooms, facilities for elderly people (elderly), Ethnobotanical Garden, International Convention Center which can accommodate up to 5,000 people, Commercial Areas, MSME Centers, and various other facilities.
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PT HIN as the Development and Management Business Entity (BUPP) of the Sanur SEZ continues to strive so that the development or development of this area can become an accelerator for improving the economy in Bali.
Meanwhile, the President Director of PT HIN, Christine Hutabarat, expressed her commitment to continue to make breakthroughs and innovations by collaborating with various parties to develop strategic sectors in this area.
"We hope that SEZ Sanur will become a World Class Medical and Wellness Destinations that visitors can enjoy with the various facilities that are integrated and the latest technology. So that it is not only a means of treatment but also an added value experience to attract the interest of the Indonesian people," concluded Christine.
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