
JAKARTA - Secretary General of the Indonesian MSME Association (Akumindo) Edy Misero hopes that the rules for distributing People's Business Credit (KUR) worth IDR 100 million and below that do not require additional guarantees can really be applied. "In the provisions, loans of IDR 100 million and below do not need additional collateral, but it turns out that sometimes it is still being asked (by the bank)," said Edy, quoted from Antara, Thursday, August 17.

Previously, in a state speech in order to welcome the 78th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia, President Jokowi said that in 2024 the government would continue to increase MSME financing. According to Edy, Jokowi's support for MSMEs needs to be followed up with supervision of the implementation of regulations to increase working capital for MSMEs, including the Regulation of the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Number 1 of 2023 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of KUR.

"The more MSMEs that get working capital facilities, especially KUR, they can be more productive. The problem is how the implementation below can really answer President Jokowi's wishes," said Edy. Eddy also views that the supervision of loans for MSMEs, especially micro-business actors, can be tightened, so that these loans are not used for consumptive activities, such as buying motorized vehicles. Hemawati Setyorini said that so far the policy of developing MSMEs is constrained in terms of implementation and supervision. According to him, ministries and institutions also need to coordinate in implementing the MSME development policy so that it runs effectively and does not overlap.

Ia mengatakan UMKM tidak hanya membutuhkan pembiayaan, tapi juga pelatihan dan pendampingan.Dengan demikian, kebijakan pemerintah, seperti pemutihan kredit macet UMKM yang sedang diramu, nantinya dapat berjalan maksimal.UMKM yang layak mendapatkan insentif tersebut diharapkan bisa kembali mengambil kredit perbankan dan berproduksi untuk membayar utangnya."Saya berharap selain dari kemudahan dalam pembiayaan tapi juga dibarengi dengan pelatihan bagi SDM UMKM dan pelatihan serta bimbingan dalam proses produksi masing-masing," katanya.

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