JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) revealed that the government has built infrastructure and connectivity to remote areas. Infrastructure development in remote areas uses village funds.
Furthermore, Jokowi said the development of infrastructure and connectivity to these remote areas could increase Indonesia's competitiveness by leveling the economy.
"Development from the outskirts of the village and the outermost areas which in the end will equalize our economy with the village funds that we disburse. The total reached IDR 539 trillion from 2015-2023,” he said in his State of the Union Address at the Annual Sessions of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR RI), House of Representatives (DPR RI) and Regional Representative Council (DPD RI), in Jakarta, Wednesday, August 16.
Furthermore, according to Jokowi, because of this development, Indonesia's competitiveness has also crept up. Where in 2022 it will rise to as many as 10 ranks from 44th to 34th based on data from the International Institute for Management Development (IMD).
"This is the highest increase in the world," he said.
اقرأ أيضا:
On this occasion, the consistency of structural reforms, especially the simplification of regulations, ease of licensing, legal certainty, and prevention of corruption have become Indonesia's capital for achieving progress.
"Therefore, I have repeatedly conveyed that future leadership will determine Indonesia's future. It's not about who is the President. No, not that. But is it capable or not? To work according to what has been started at this time, “he said.
“Are you brave or not? Able to be consistent or not? Because what is needed is a long breath because we are not taking an afternoon walk. We are also not running sprints but what we should be doing is running a marathon to reach Indonesia Gold," he continued.
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