
The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) is said to have succeeded in stopping the action of three fishing vessels suspected of illegally transferring their fishing (illegal fishing) cargo (transhipment) in the Aru Islands.

Director General of Marine Resources and Fisheries Supervision KKP Rear Admiral TNI Adin Nurawaluddin said this action managed to arrest one transport vessel and two fishing vessels.

"These ships are suspected of transferring cargo not with partner ships or not in one business unit," he said in a written statement, Sunday, August 13.

According to Adin, according to the Circular Letter of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Number B.1049/MEN-KP/VII/2023 concerning Compliance with Business Actors, fishing vessels are only allowed to transfer cargo to fishing vessels that are partners or who are in one business unit.

"This is done in the context of transforming national capture fisheries governance, we have tightened supervision in this industrial-scale fishing zone to ensure the compliance of business actors," he said.

In this regard, Adin emphasized that compliance with business actors is the key to the success of sustainable fisheries management, as is the direction of the Quota-Based Measured Fish Fishing policy.

For this reason, his party is not playing games to take firm action against any perpetrators of violations who can threaten the sustainability of fishery resources.

"This action is one form of unreported fishing, because the transfer of cargo caught fish is not reported or can disrupt fishing data," he said.

Adin further stated that for fishing carriers (KM. LB 99) it is suspected that they have violated Article 28 of the Marine and Fisheries Sector j.o Article 177 paragraph (4) of Law Number 6 of 2023 concerning Stipulation of Perppu Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation into Law. Currently, the three ships have been adhoc to the Dobo SDKP Supervision Unit, Maluku for further processing.

Previously, the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries had issued Circular Letter Number B.1049/MEN-KP/VII/2023 concerning Compliance with Business Actors with the Implementation of Non-Tax State Revenue Withdrawal (PNBP).

The regulation regulates Post-Producing Fishery Products so that the achievement of PNBP fisheries sub-sectors can be maximized and used solely for the advancement of the marine and fisheries sector. Therefore, Minister Trenggono asked business actors to work together for the welfare of the fisheries community.

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