
The Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DJBC) has again held an Illegal Cigarette Strike Operation by successfully confiscating 111.2 million illegal cigarettes from May to July 2023.

Head of the Sub-Directorate for Public Relations and Customs Counseling, Encep Dudi Ginanjar, said the operation came from 3299 prosecutions and confiscations.

"The circulation of illegal cigarettes not only endangers the community, but also threatens the stability of the Indonesian economy," he said as reported by the official website today, Wednesday, August 9.

Encep explained, in the same period Customs and Excise also managed to crack down on as many as 49,000 liters of beverages containing ethyl alcohol (MMEA) in 271 prosecutions.

"As of mid-July 2023, 10,015 prosecutions have been recorded by confiscating more than 400 million illegal cigarettes. This result increases when compared to the average number of prosecutions in the last three years," he said.

Encep added that this good result was achieved thanks to the synergy and positive cooperation between Customs and various related parties, such as the TNI/Polri, local government, and the community. He also said that the government would continue to strive to create a level of playing field, one of which was through the implementation of the Operation on Illegal Cigarettes.

"We invite the public and all parties to participate in fighting illegal cigarettes. If they find indications of illegal circulation, immediately report directly to the nearest Customs office," he concluded.

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