JAKARTA - Star Energy Geothermal Wayang Windu, Ltd (SEGWL) received an award from the International Labor Organization (ILO) for SUGWL's consistency in the Implementation of both HIV Prevention and Control Programs/AIDS at Work.
Director of ILO for Indonesia and Timor Leste, Ms. Michiko Miyamoto had the opportunity to directly hand over the award to the Head of Wayang Windu Power Plant Operation, Ismail Hidayat at Aryanusa Ballroom, Danareksa Tower, Jakarta on Tuesday 27 June 2023.
Act. Star Energy Geothermal (SEG) Chief Power Plant Operation Officer, Suharsono Darmono expressed his deepest gratitude for his appreciation for his efforts to apply the principles of Work Safety and Health (K3) in each SEG operating area, including HIV prevention and control programs/AIDS in this workplace.
The HIV/AIDS prevention and control programs that have been implemented at SUGWL include developing policies and procedures on HIV/AIDS prevention and control in the workplace, internal training of HIV AIDS educators and periodic internal socialization of HIV/ AIDS, and the HIV AIDS socialization program for the community, including mapping areas at high risk of HIV/ AIDS transmission in Pangalengan District, "he explained in a written statement, Friday, July 7.
This program has been running since 2009, explained Suharsono, by involving components of workers, trade unions, SUGWL management, NGOs from the West Java HIV AIDS VCT Cohesive Association, as well as the Pangalengan District community, Bandung Regency, West Java.
Suharsono added that not only in the field of HIV prevention and control/AIDS, the consistency of Star Energy Geothermal (SEG) as a leading geothermal company in Indonesia in implementing K3 principles in general has also received recognition and appreciation from a number of agencies.
On Thursday, June 22, 2023, SUG bought the 2023 Work Safety and Health award from the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia. The awards obtained were the Zero Accident Award in 2023 for SUGWL, Star Energy Geothermal Darajat, Ltd (SEGD II) and Star Energy Geothermal Salak, Ltd (SEGS); SMK3, Gold Certificate & Gold Flag for SUGWL, Prevention & Prevention Award for P2 HIV-AIDS (Platinum) for SUGWL, SUGD II and SUGS; COVID-19 P2 Prevention & Control Award for SUGWL, SUGD II and SUGS.
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Meanwhile, last year, SUG represented by SUGS won the Subroto Award for the category of Performance Assessment for the Implementation of K3 and Geothermal Engineering as well as Control of Pollution and/or Environmental Damage at the Subroto Award Award Award Award Awarding event held by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). The Subroto Award is the highest award in the ESDM sector given to stakeholders who have performed their best performance in advancing the Energy and Mineral Resources sector in Indonesia.
"As part of the Barito Pacific Group, SUG is committed to carrying out operations in accordance with the SOP and ESG principles and always strives to become a world class best practice on how the geothermal generating unit operates with high standards. We hope that the achievements we have obtained so far can be maintained, we will even improve it again in the years to come," concluded Suharsono.
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