BALI - Secretary General (Secretary General) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) Suharti said that the training provided by Pre-Employment could increase the productivity of the people in Indonesia.
Because, after the community gets formal or informal education, they can register themselves to get additional training from the Pre-Employment.
"We continue to encourage the Indonesian population to increase their work productivity through additional training. For example, the Ministry of Economic Affairs provides pre-employment training," said Suharti at the ILC event in the Nusa Dua area, Bali, Tuesday, July 4.
Suharti said that education in Indonesia is still not evenly distributed, and there are still people who cannot enter formal schools, so many of them do not continue to the next level of education or leave.
Then, there are the majority of people who are not educated enough who do not pass elementary or junior high school in the informal sector.
"For that, we need to provide training to them so that they have more abilities and get a decent life," he said.
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With the Pre-Employment Card Program, said Suharti, later it can support people who do not receive decent education in order to have special skills in the future.
"We need to provide support to them in order to ensure that their productivity can survive or even be increased," he said.
So, he continued, it could later affect the increase in people's income itself.
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