
JAKARTA - The Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) asked PT Hutama Karya (Persero) to immediately complete its assignment without waiting for additional state capital participation (PMN) to be disbursed.

As is known, Hutama Karya received an assignment to complete the construction of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road (JTTS).

Head of BPK Isma Yatun said the process of disbursing additional PMN for long-term assignments received by PT Hutama Karya (HK) in the slow JTTS business.

"For SOEs who are assigned long-term assignments and for the lives of many people, work projects must be carried out immediately without waiting for PMN to be disbursed," he said when submitting the BPK report at the DPR RI Plenary Session, quoted Wednesday, June 21.

Launching from the BPK report summary, for the funding of the work, during 2019-2021 PT HK conducted a short-term budgeting loan which will be fulfilled after PMN was disbursed of IDR 4.25 trillion with a loan interest of IDR 101.00 billion.

As a result, this problem resulted in PT Hutama Karya covering the additional financial burden of the company from 2019-2021 in the form of short-term loan interest of IDR 101.00 billion in order to meet JTTS business funding.

BPK also recommended to the Minister of SOEs to instruct the Deputy Minister of SOEs to coordinate with the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, and the State Secretariat, to jointly make a schedule and plan for implementing and accelerating the process of disbursing PMN funds, so that the process of disbursing PMN funds can be carried out after the APBN Law is ratified.

In addition, BPK also saw that the JTTS assignment project to PT HK and government assignments based on the Electricity Supply Business Plan (RUPTL) to PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) were not supported with priority PMN allocation, namely there was no disbursement of PMN in 2017 and 2018.

"Thus, PT HK must increase the number of loans by Rp. 13.16 trillion with an interest expense of Rp. 2.86 trillion," wrote BPK.

Meanwhile, PT PLN had to increase the total loan amounting to IDR 10 trillion with an interest expense of IDR 529.00 billion. As a result, PT HK and PT PLN bear additional company financial expenses in 2017-2021 of IDR 2.86 trillion and IDR 529.00 billion, respectively.

For this reason, BPK recommends to the Minister of SOEs to draw up risk mitigation measures for the lack of funding in SOEs in long-term assignments and coordinate with related parties, including the Ministry of Finance, Bank Indonesia, and the Financial Services Authority (OJK) to consider providing funding facilities from banks that do not burden SOEs that get assignments from the Government.

The results of the BPK report conclude that the management of PMN in BUMN in 2020-semester I 2022 at the Ministry of SOEs has been carried out according to the criteria with exceptions to several problems.

Where the work funded from the additional PMN in 2015 and 2016 in 13 SOEs until the first semester of 2022 is IDR 10.49 trillion, has not been completed.

"This value consists of a total value of assets that have not been productive because they have not been completed amounting to Rp10.07 trillion and operating expenditures that have not been utilized amounting to Rp424.11 billion," wrote BPK.

As a result, assets of Rp10.07 trillion cannot be used and the purpose of each operational activity of Rp424.11 billion has not been achieved, and there is a potential income that cannot be received because assets cannot operate.

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