
JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) revealed that it is ready to test the use of sugar cane or bioethenol-based fuel (BBM).

This fuel is a mixture of Pertamax composition with 5 percent ethanol or E5.

Pertamina spokesman, Fadjar Djoko Santoso said the new fuel will contain an octane or research octane number (RON) of 95 or the equivalent of Pertamax Plus. Pertamax Plus itself is no longer sold by Pertamina.

"This mixing will increase to RON 95," said Fadjar to VOI, Wednesday, June 21.

Despite experiencing an increase in octane levels, he ensured that the fuel generated would be environmentally friendly.

"Kadar Oktan naik tapi lebih ramah lingkungan," imbuh Fadjar.

Previously, the Director General of New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Dadan Kusdiana said that if starting in early July, the government would test the use of cane-based bioethenol mixed with fuel oil (BBM).

Dadan said that for the initial stage, he had prepared 100,000 KL bioethenol, but because it was still in the trial stage, it would start with 40,000 KL.

Later, this bioethenol will be produced by two companies, namely PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) and a private company in Malang, Molina.

Regarding prices, Dadan said, it would not be much different from the Pertamax price which is currently priced at IDR 12,400.

"How much is it now? Yes, it's the same as bioethenol," concluded Dadan.

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