
JAKARTA - The Construction Services Development Institute (LPJK) of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) said that the number of workers in the construction sector in Indonesia is still not certified.

This was revealed by LPJK Chairman Taufik Widjoyono at a press conference at the PUPR Ministry Building, Jakarta, on Thursday, June 15.

"So, now there are only 393 thousand people (certified)," said Taufik.

Taufik assessed that this number is still far from the minimum figure he estimates to support infrastructure development in Indonesia.

"Sorry we don't have the data, but the figures from the statistical center show 8 million people (workforce in the construction sector), there is a driver, there is a kenek, etc. So, if I can call this my estimate, actually the minimum of certified people is 30 percent of 8 million," he said.

According to Taufik, certificates are the basis for labor competence prepared by users, in this case the Ministry of PUPR to be equal to the standards used abroad.

"So, the basic competency national standard is the SKKNI, so once the person is certified, then he will be the same for the entire national and secondly he will also be the same as the standards abroad," he said.

Therefore, said Taufik, LPJK as an institution related and responsible for this has the task of equalizing construction workers.

"So, if I assume that this is a big challenge for us to certify the names that are now recorded at 393 thousand, even though we need it, yes, around 2.4 million people, so I think this is Pr with us," he added.

For your information, the contribution of the construction sector to national gross domestic product (GDP) reached 9.14 percent, in the second quarter of 2023.

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