
JAKARTA - In order to encourage people to invest in Syariah investment products, Bibit.id, the leading digital investment application in Indonesia, participates in the Sharia Investment Week 2023 activities.

The activity, which was held on June 15-17, 2023, was a collaboration between PT Bursa Efek Indonesia and the Financial Services Authority, PT Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia, and PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia.

In line with the implementation of activities aimed at grounding the Sharia Capital Market to the people of Indonesia, Bibit's participation emphasized its commitment to presenting various and useful Sharia investment solutions for investors.

Selama tiga hari, Bibit membuka booth digital di mana masyarakat dapat langsung bertanya kepada perwakilan Bibit lewat chat mengenai fitur-fitur yang ada di Bibit serta mulai berinvestasi.Tidak hanya itu, untuk menambah semangat masyarakat dalam berinvestasi, Bibit memberikan doorprize berupa voucher reksa dana Syariah untuk 40 orang yang beruntung. Untuk bisa mengunjungi booth Bibit dalam kegiatan Sharia Investment Week 2023, masyarakat bisa langsung mengakses tautan https://idxsiw.id/.

The potential for Sharia investment in Indonesia is very large. Many of our users also have a sharia preference in investing. We hope that Bibit's participation in this event can increase literacy and open access to Islamic investment for the wider community, especially millennials," said William, PR & Corporate Communication Lead Bibit, in his statement, Thursday, June 15. In addition to participation in Sharia Investment Week 2023 activities, Bibit has also presented Sharia investment solutions to its users. Bibit provides more than 30 Syariah mutual fund products (money market mutual funds, bond mutual funds, and mutual stock funds), and for investors who have Syariah preferences can directly activate Syariah toggle on the Profile page.

Recently, Bibit's innovation has also allowed users to invest in Project Based Sukuk's State Sharia Securities products issued with Sharia principles and 100 percent guaranteed by the state.

According to William, the yields from Project Based Sukuk are relatively high and can beat inflation rates. For example, the yield (yield) Project Based Sukuk series PBS003 which matures in 2027 is 5.5 percent per year, while the yield for PBS033 which matures in 2047 is 6.61 perseb per year. In comparison, in the period May 2023, inflation is at 4 percent. On the other hand, the Head of the Indonesian Stock Exchange Sharia Capital Market Division, Irwan Abdalloh, said that calm in investing is one of the key factors why young people choose Syariah investment products.

Tren yang berlaku pada anak muda sekarang adalah hijrah. Banyak generasi muda yang mulai tertarik investasi di pasar modal Syariah, mereka pun mulai menyadari bahwa investasi bukan hanya untuk mendapat keuntungan, tapi juga untuk mendapatkan ketenangan, ujar Irwan.

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