
JAKARTA - The Directorate General (Ditjen) of Housing distributed the Self-Help Housing Stimulant Assistance (BSPS) program for 93,139 units, until June 9 or Semester I in 2023.

"The physical progress of the BSPS program until June 9 or Semester I in 2023 has reached 93,139 units of the total target of 150,050 units. The total budget for the BSPS program in 2023 is IDR 3.29 trillion," said Director General of Housing Iwan Suprijanto in a written statement, Monday, June 12.

Iwan said that the BSPS Program is government assistance for low-income people which is carried out under the Cash Labor Intensive (PKT) scheme to encourage and increase empowerment in improving the quality of their homes, along with general infrastructure, facilities and utilities. Currently, the absorption of its workforce is 171,082 people from the target of 300,100 people.

The Ministry of PUPR continues to accelerate the handling of uninhabitable houses through the Self-Help Housing Stimulant Assistance (BSPS) program.

With the PKT scheme, the BSPS program can provide wider benefits for low-income people, not only owning more decent, healthy and comfortable houses, but also reducing unemployment and maintaining people's purchasing power.

"This program really helps people to have decent housing with stimulant funds distributed by the government," said Iwan.

According to Iwan, there will be at least three focuses on handling self-help houses in 2023, namely supporting the acceleration of the Extreme Poverty Reduction (PKE) program through improving the quality of uninhabitable houses, handling residential areas, and integrated slums and expanding the scope of the Self-Help Home Clinic service.

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