JAKARTA - DoctorTool, a health SaaS company in Indonesia, will present a supporting system for providing a Generative AI-based prescription, developed using IBM's watsonx.ai platform.
This system designed to be an AI Assistant will help health service providers comply with government regulations while reducing the risk of insurance fraud.
"By using IBM technology, we have developed AI tools that can cut the doctor's administrative time and prevent the potential loss of billions of rupiah due to fraud," said Rainaldo, CEO of DoctorTool.
Thus, Rainaldo added, this will allow health service providers to take advantage of their time in physical examinations and interactions with patients.
"In addition to increasing efficiency, this tool is also designed to improve data accuracy, assist the decision-making process, and ensure compliance with health regulations," he continued.
Roy Kosasih as President Director of IBM Indonesia, hopes that IBM technology can provide health service solutions in complying with regulations, reducing cases of fraud, and increasing data-based decision making.
"Together, we are committed to helping communities that are still difficult to gain quality, easy, and affordable access to health," Roy continued.
DoctorTool's new system also integrates advanced features such as Speech-to-Transcription (STT), Transcription-to-Summary (TTS), and AI-based clinical decision-making support.
In fact, DoctorTool is currently testing a speech-to-text feature for electronic medical records (EMR), which increases data collection and reduces the workload of doctors, thereby improving overall care quality.
The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)