雅加达 - 加州州长Gavin Newsom已正式发表声明,支持限制加州学校使用智能手机的努力。

纽约时报早些时候的一份报告指出,美国全科外科医生Vivek Murthy表示,社交媒体应该配备有关其潜在健康影响的警告标签。

As @Surgeon_General affirmed, social media is harming the mental health of our youth.We look forward to working with the Legislature to restrict smartphone use at school. When kids are in school, they should be focused on their studies—not screens. https://t.co/QNy2iJzkqv

— California Governor (@CAgovernor) June 18, 2024

As @Surgeon_General affirmed, social media is harming the mental health of our youth.We look forward to working with the Legislature to restrict smartphone use at school. When kids are in school, they should be focused on their studies—not screens. https://t.co/QNy2iJzkqv

Vivek Murthy在推出Engadget的著作中解释说,后来需要国会行动的标签将始终提醒家长和青少年,社交媒体尚未被证明是安全的。

“正如Surgeon General所证实的那样,社交媒体危及我们年轻一代的心理健康,”纽约社在6月20日星期四援引加州政府官方网站的一份声明中说。


“当孩子和青少年上学时,他们必须专注于自己的教训 - 而不是屏幕,”Newsom总结道。




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