雅加达 - 在2024年全球大选之前,非营利组织Mozilla基金会敦促WhatsApp做出一些更改以对抗虚假信息。


Global campaign to mess with elections worldwide. Mozilla is calling on Zuckerberg's WhatsApp to do his part to "protect elections" by fighting "election disinformation." https://t.co/SeLfE2L0wN

— J Michael Waller (@JMichaelWaller) April 22, 2024

Global campaign to mess with elections worldwide. Mozilla is calling on Zuckerberg's WhatsApp to do his part to "protect elections" by fighting "election disinformation." https://t.co/SeLfE2L0wN

Mozilla 至少要求对WhatsApp进行三次简单的更改,以减缓选举期间其平台上政治虚假信息和其他恶意内容的传播。



最后,Mozilla还要求马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)拥有的平台禁用“社交”功能,将广播列表的大小限制为50人,并将其使用量限制为每天两次。


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