YOGYAKARTA - A photographer must understand photography techniques and factors that play an important role in taking photos. One of the things that must be considered in photography is lighting or lighting. Lighting will determine the quality or good or bad of a photo. So how to organize light for photography?

Photographography is not just a tool to document a moment or event. Photographography is also the art of painting with light. Light conditions will have a big impact on photos. So when you want to take pictures, a photographer or someone who likes photos should pay attention to the light you are in.

Photographers must be able to organize or position light according to their photo needs. How to organize light for photography?

There are a number of things that need to be understood about photographic lighting. To organize photographic light so that it is maximized or as needed, here are some tips for things you need to pay attention to.

A photographer must understand sharp and soft light. In photography, sharpness or softness of light is called the penumbra. Where there is light, there is a bright and dark part there. This part of the spotlight and shadow is called the penumbra.

If the penumbra gets thinner, the light becomes sharper. Likewise, when the penumbra gets thicker, the light gets softer. If you want to produce photos with objects that appear sharper or firmer, then make sure the light is bright enough. But when you want to produce a softer photo, then take a picture in a softer light.

Another thing that is also important for you to pay attention to is the size of the source of light. If the source of light gets bigger, then the light will be softer. When the source of light is smaller, the light is sharper.

Large sources of light are able to illuminate a wider area around photo objects. However, the resulting highlights are softer. While small sources of light have a narrower range as well. But the beam of light is sharper.

Apart from size, the distance from the source of light also greatly affects the photos. By adjusting the size of the distance, you can determine if you want to get soft or sharp light. If the light is closer, then the advantage is less power is needed. Meanwhile, if the light is further away, then the power requirement is also greater.

That's a review of how to organize light for photography. Light or lighting is an important factor that affects the desired photos. Light in photography can come from natural light (solar, moon) or artificial light (lightlight, flashlights, etc.).

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