YOGYAKARTA - Family Cards (KK) can be printed at home alone. Residents no longer need to visit the Office of the Population and Civil Registration Service (Dukcapil) just to get a physical certificate from the KK. Yuk learn how to take care of the missing KK!

This can make it easier for residents who have lost or faced damage to the KK. This document is known as a Family Identity Card that contains information on the composition, ties, and the number of family units.

Launching from several sources, Tuesday (14/2/2023), the printing of the KK can wear plain white paper type HVS A4 80 gr. Although it does not use a horizontal security printing, the self-printed KK has a QR code.

The QR code is used as an electronic signature (TTD) to replace wet TTD, as a result, it is always legal in a legal way. The following is a safe self-printing process, because residents need to receive a secret PIN to open an online KK print service. Here's the full way.

So after knowing how to manage the missing KK, see other interesting news in VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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