JAKARTA - Agus Suparmanto was legitimately inaugurated as Chairman of the General Board (PB) of the Indonesian Fencing Association (IKASI) for the 2022-2026 period. This decision is based on decision letter Number: 05/P.BAORI/XII/2022 which was decided on May 25 2023 by the Arbitration Council of the Indonesian Sports Arbitration Board (BAORI).
The decision has also been registered with the Central Jakarta District Court with the Deed of Registration of the Arbitration Award No. : 06/WASIT/AD-HOC/2023/PN.JKT.PST dated June 20, 2023, which is final and binding.
PB IKASI's attorney, Charles Sijuang, revealed that there were several points listed in the decree, one of which was stating that PB IKASI's National Conference (Munas) was held on December 3, 2022, in Bali, with the agenda of establishing Agus Suparmanto as General Chairman of PB IKASI for the 2022-2026 period is legitimate and lawful.

"With this decision from BAORI, our client legally serves as General Chairman of PB IKASI for the 2022-2026 term and this decision is final and binding, yes, we must respect this decision together," Charles said.
The BAORI decision letter also stated that the Advanced National Conference which was held by the Plaintiffs in the same place with a different room chose Mr. Amir Yanto as General Chair of IKASI for the 2022-2026 period is legally disabled and has no binding power.
"Based on this, it is strictly forbidden to wear and use the name and symbol of IKASI without our client's approval and also to carry out any activities on behalf of the IKASI General Manager for the 2022-2026 period at home and abroad. If someone violates the above, we will take legal action in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations," added Charles.
With this decision, the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI) officially inaugurated and confirmed Agus Suparmanto as General Chair of the Indonesian Fencing Association (IKASI) for the 2022-2026 service period which took place at the KONI Central Office, Gelora Bung Karno (GBK), Senayan, South Jakarta on Friday 23 June.
General Chairman of the Central KONI Lt. Gen. TNI (Ret.) Marciano Norman hopes that the organizational commotion, and the commotion of the management must be abandoned. All parties must concentrate on how to unify the way to be able to produce Indonesian fencing athletes who make Indonesia proud.
"We have to focus because fencing is a sport that is included in the Olympics, so the organizers need to work hard, take advantage of the opportunities that exist, and bring Indonesian fencing athletes to get achievements in various sports events, both on a regional scale such as the SEA Games and the Asian Games, as well as world events such as the Olympics and championships organized by the International Fencing Federation,” said Marciano.
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