JAKARTA Indonesia certainly does not have a women's singles representative in the quarter-finals of the Indonesia Open 2023 after Putri Kusuma Wardani was eliminated from the event.

Putri's move was confirmed to have stalled after losing to the world number one Akane Yamaguchi in Istora, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, June 15, 2023. Putri had to give up in a duel in straight games 15-21 and 11-21.

Putri said that Akane was clearly a very difficult opponent for her even though she had tried to perform optimally. According to him, Akane excels in experience and durability in the field.

In terms of experience and I hold it, Akane is much stronger. The upper balls are also sharp and accurate even though he is small. I myself have performed well," Putri said in a press conference after the match.

Putri continued, in order to be able to conquer consistent players like Akane, she still needs a lot of evaluation. He also hopes that in the next tournaments he can get strong opponents in order to increase his flight hours.

"I'm satisfied because I'm against world number one. I have to improve my experience and I have to be much stronger and hopefully I can meet again. When fighting him, he was nervous because he was the world's top player so I tried to play without a burden," he said.

Meanwhile, the women's singles coach Indra Widjaja said that Putri still needs a lot of improvement to be able to compete with the players who are at the top level.

"The performance is quite good. But for me, a lot has been improved. This is a process he is currently undergoing. The game process is already at the top level. So, he feels world players like this," he said.

"I feel like all the players are going through that and that is currently being experienced by Putri. We are looking for the most suitable way to play for her at once every time she appears, she doesn't drop," he added.

Putri's defeat made Indonesia run out of women's singles representatives in this Super 1000 BWF level event. Previously, on the first day, Indonesia had already lost Gregoria Mariska Tunjung.

The 2017 junior world champion lifted his suitcase after losing to India's Pusarla V. Sindhu. It was Gregoria's eighth defeat of a total of ten of their meetings.

Performa tinggal putri di turnamen ini kalau Grego saya kurang puas. Perampilan dia tidak yang terbaik. Untuk putri kemarin all out, luar biasa. Saya rasa keseluruhan cukup bagus untuk Putri, kalau Gregoria konsistensi perlu dipertahankan, kata Indra.

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