The sanctions imposed by FIFA regarding the cancellation of Indonesia as the host of the 2023 U-20 World Cup certainly do not affect the plan to build a training center (TC) in the State Capital (IKN). This is as revealed by the member of the PSSI Executive Committee, Arya Sinulingga.

Previously, FIFA imposed administrative sanctions on PSSI after Indonesia's deletion as the host of the 2023 U-20 World Cup. The administrative sanctions were in the form of freezing aid funds from the FIFA Forward 3.0 program with a total of 5.6 million US dollars (Rp86.4 billion).

Some of the funds were previously projected by PSSI to build a training center at IKN. However, the current situation makes the decision questionable.

According to Arya, PSSI will continue to try to convince FIFA regarding the transformation of Indonesian football so that it continues. One thing that will be echoed is about infrastructure development, including training centers.

"If TC IKN is certain about the funding, we have to convince FIFA that the transformation is a way, one of which is infrastructure. Well, TC is included," said Arya Sinulingga at the GBK Arena, Senayan on Tuesday, April 11.

Regarding the funds for the construction of a training camp in IKN, Arya ensured that FIFA would still disburse it. Even so, the process of disbursing funds will be carried out in stages.

FIFA is said to only disburse funds after seeing the Training Center already begun construction. FIFA wants to ensure that development continues.

"So if for example there is progress, then we will be able to submit it to FIFA. So there is no problem, what is certain is that every time we apply for progress. So we submit it to FIFA every process," he said.

Previously, PSSI Chairman Erick Thohir planned to lobby FIFA to ease sanctions against Indonesia so that assistance titled FIFA Forward 3.0 could still be disbursed.

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