JAKARTA - Japanese automotive manufacturer Toyota recently revealed more than 2.15 million consumer vehicle data leaked to the public in Japan for a decade.

This incident precisely took place from November 2013 to April 2023. This incident comes as Toyota seeks to encourage vehicle connectivity for services such as autonomous technology and artificial intelligence-based features.

Reporting from Nikkei Asia, Jum'at, May 12, it was stated that this leak was related to errors around cloud storage. The leaked information is in the form of vehicle location and vehicle device identification number.

Consumers affected by this case are those who registered with the T-Connect service from 2012 to April 17. In addition, the owner of the G-Link user's vehicle embedded in the Lexus car was also affected.

Toyota itself has apologized for this incident and promised to introduce a system to monitor cloud settings regularly. Toyota explained that this incident was purely a human error.

However, fortunately there were no reports of data misuse caused by the leak of consumer information.

Toyota also said it would investigate the case and train their employees to thoroughly examine data handling arrangements.

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