Three motorcycle thieves with the initials AR, HM and DR were arrested by the Palmerah Police after carrying out their crimes in the Palmerah and Kebon Jeruk areas, West Jakarta.
The three suspects were arrested in the Kalibata, South Jakarta and Cianjur areas, West Java. The theft gang was arrested after being on the run.
Palmerah Police Chief Kompol Sugiran said the perpetrator had been in action for about three months. They targeted the victim's motorbike randomly.
The three perpetrators also shared their duties when carrying out the theft. One of the suspects as the executor and the other monitored the surrounding situation.
"Evidence was then taken to Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta, after that they looked for more targets in other areas," said Kompol Sugiran when confirmed, Tuesday, December 17.
The motorcycle theft case was successfully revealed thanks to public reports. His party then conducted a crime scene investigation in the Kemanggisan area, Palmerah, West Jakarta.
The police also ordered CCTV footage and finally got a bright spot on the whereabouts of the suspects.
"Initially we arrested one perpetrator with the initials AR, then we conducted an interrogation and from the results of the interrogation that they carried out three of them. Then we carried out developments in the Kalibata area, South Jakarta," he said.
From the Kalibata area, his party arrested two people who acted as jockeys and pilots. Then, the evidence of the motorbike was successfully secured in the Cianjur area, West Java. The perpetrators are also the Cianjur group, West Java.
"They have been in action five times, for the purpose, the alleys are indeed quiet. For motorized vehicles, of course, they still use manual keys," he said.
After a urine check, the perpetrator was influenced by tramadol or psychotropic drugs. In fact, the stolen motorbikes were used by the suspects to buy the illegal drugs.
"The three perpetrators were charged with Article 363 of the Criminal Code concerning theft with weight, the threat of five years in prison," he said.
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