PEKALONGAN Dozens of houses were damaged by floods in Wangandowo Village, Bojong District, Pekalongan Regency, Thursday, March 14. The flood that occurred on Wednesday afternoon, March 13 at around 17.00 WIB, began with heavy rain in the Pekalongan Regency area, including the Bojong area.

Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Drs. Ahmad Luthfi together with PJU Polda Central Java visited flood victims and provided basic food assistance, as well as ensuring that basic needs for flood victims were met.

Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi said that currently the Police Chief, Dandim, and the regional secretary have identified problems related to flash floods that occurred in Wangandowo Village, Bojong District, Pekalongan Regency. In addition, data collection on damaged houses has also been carried out.

"There are about 70 houses damaged. Brimob, Sabhara, TNI and the community are currently still cleaning their houses," said Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi in a written statement, Thursday, March 14.

It was also stated that the houses affected by the floods that were badly damaged would later be rebuilt.

"We will rebuild damaged houses. From the company will repair all damaged houses so that they can return to their respective homes," he said.

Furthermore, the health post has also been established, and what is needed now is anticipation if further flooding arises. According to him, in the Central Java region, almost the average flood is currently affected.

"In Semarang there are 17 flood points, while for Pekalongan City I will also check later," concluded the Kapolda.

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