Vice President Ma'ruf Amin said the government was looking for alternative ways to overcome the problem of bad weather in distributing aid to Puncak Regency, Central Papua, resulting in crop failure and making it difficult for residents to get food.

"It's just that distribution to places where this is indeed an obstacle that is being sought. Apart from (with) this dipanggu, what else is the solution," said Ma'ruf Amin as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 2.

Ma'ruf Amin conveyed this after chairing a coordination meeting on the handling of drought and hunger cases in the province of Central Papua.

The coordination meeting was chaired directly by Ma'ruf Amin as Chairman of the Papua Steering Committee and attended by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menkopolhukam) Mahfud MD, TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono, Deputy Chief of Police Komjen Agus Adrianto, Main Secretary of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Rustian, and Director of Supply Chain and Public Service Bulog Mokhamad Suyamto.

"Today's meeting was to evaluate the situation in Central Papua, in the Agandugume District and Lambewi District. As is known, there has been drought there and extreme weather; and those who died were not due to hunger, but because of diarrhea and due to weather," said Ma'ruf Amin.

Drought occurred in Puncak Regency, Central Papua, causing local residents to have difficulty getting clean water and six residents died. The six victims who allegedly died of diarrhea and dehydration include five adults and a baby who died.

"Regarding aid, first, now there is an emergency response that has been set for one week. We agree that this will be added. We agree to add it to two weeks. That's the first time we will evaluate again," added Ma'ruf.

Meanwhile, aid deliveries to the two districts are also underway despite problems.

"First, about weather constraints. This is actually all logistics available, but there is a weather problem; and second, the distribution from the first delivery place to the regions does not have access, so it must be carried, yes. So, that's a problem," he explained.

In addition to the issue of distributing aid, the meeting also discussed the issue of handling public health in two districts.

"To overcome various health problems, first, for vulnerable groups such as parents and children, we anticipate from one area that we anticipate; but I also ask for anticipation of other regions, so that if a similar incident occurs (a similar incident), we are ready," he said.

Ma'ruf Amin also said that the government had prepared officers, including the TNI, to prepare to immediately send aid when the weather had improved.

"We are just preparing to anticipate if the weather is not good, then there is no other way (to distribute). However, we are ready so that if the weather is in good condition we are ready for delivery," he said.

Based on the BNPB report, the Puncak Regency Government also distributed logistical assistance and equipment, including 4,000 ready-to-eat food packages, 4,000 child food packages, 2,000 packages of ready-to-eat side dishes, 500 rolled tents, 25 cardboard sardines, 32 cardboard cornets, 83 cardboard sausages, 15 cardboard boxes and cows, 18 boxes of biscuits, 3,000 children's school uniforms, 4,000 adult clothes, 4,000 adult pants, and 4,000 blankets.

Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy also brought assistance in the early hours of Wednesday (2/8), in the form of 1,000 ready-to-eat food packages, 3,000 packaging rendang packages, 3,000 protein milk packages, and 3,000 food packages.

Furthermore, 2,000 rolled tents, 10,000 blankets, 2,000 sheets, 2,000 folding mattresses, 2,000 children's clothes, 2,000 adult clothes, four refugee tents, 20 units of electric generators, 50 tons of trail motors, and 50 tons of rice.

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