TANGERANG - The phenomenon of online shopping has indeed become a popular culture in Indonesia. However, the people's spending system will continue to change and move, this is what makes the workers more creative.

One of them, the Torch brand. In the midst of dynamic cultural changes and movements, Torch made a breakthrough to maintain existence.

Those who don't want their consumers to leave, end up implementing the 020 (Online to Offline) system. They develop this feature so that Toch consumers can buy offline or online.

Torch CEO Ben Wirawan Suratmadji said the goal was to implement the 020 system to make it easier for consumers. So that Sobat Torch or its consumers can order products online and take their products directly at the offline store.

"They will no longer hesitate if one day we offer it, because the consumers have seen the products firsthand," said Wirawan in his statement, Sunday, July 30.

He said, Torch is also developing other features to be present at its offline store, namely by providing special space for many talents who like to talk and appear confident in front of the camera.

"Yes, in the offline Torch store, a special room will be prepared for live streaming. So that visitors can watch live streamers reviewing products. Live streamers can. (The point is) to invite consumers to shop with the O2O system," he said.

It is known, based on information from research firm We Are Social, it turns out that as many as 178.9 million Indonesians choose to shop online, throughout 2022 until the beginning of 2023. This figure has increased by 12.8 percent from the previous year.

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