JAKARTA - Efforts to prevent radical actions or deradicalization at the Correctional Institution (Lapas) have sweet fruit. The Director General of Corrections (Dirjenpas), Reynhard Saut Poltak Silitonga received an award from the National Counterterrorism Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BNPT RI) Awards as the Deradicalization Implementing Partner in Prisons.

BNPT also conferred awards to 2 Presidential Correctional Walis from terrorist convicts who have worked very well in fostering and realizing a deradicalized climate in the prison where he works.

They made a big contribution in the deradicalization process for Correctional Inmates of Terrorism Crimes. The two correctional personnel are Bambang Sugianto, Correctional Wali of Class I Surabaya and Gagah Prio Utomo, Correctional Mayor of Class IIA Pasir Putih Nusakambangan Prison. Awards were given at the Peak of the 13th Anniversary of BNPT RI at Djakarta Theater, Central Jakarta, Friday 28 July. The award was given by the Head of BNPT RI, Komjen Pol. Prof. Dr. H Rycko Amelza Dahniel and witnessed directly by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ma'ruf Amin.

Dirjenpas side by side with several other state officials including TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono received an award for the Synergy Implementing category, National Police Chief Listyo Sigit Prabowo received an award in the field of Law Enforcement. Then, the Head of the Special 88 Anti-Terror Police Department, Inspector General Martinus Hukom as the Executor of Outside Lapas Deradicalization, and LPSK Chair Hasto Atmojo Suroyo as the Implementer of Victim Recovery. In addition, a number of other officials also received similar awards, such as Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo, West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil, East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawangsa, Central Sulawesi Governor Rusdy Mastura, Bukalapak CEO Willix Halim and BRI President Director Sunarso at the peak of the Commemoration of the 13th Anniversary Commemoration of the Indonesian National Terrorism Agency with the theme BNPT Present for the Country, Peaceful Indonesia Towards Golden Indonesia'.

"Thank you for allout support to fight against terrorism," said Komjen Rycko to the entire community and all parties who have fought and participated in efforts to fight terrorism in Indonesia's beloved country, especially to BNPT RI Awards Recipient fighters.

He reported that cases of terror attacks in Indonesia continued to decline from 2018 to 2023. The decline was very sharp to reach the 89.4% index. Until placing Indonesia in a position that is getting better in the medium affected category," he continued.

According to him, this was due to the increasingly intense and massive law enforcement carried out by the National Police, which was supported by the TNI and all relevant institutions including Corrections and the community.

Meanwhile, Vice President Ma'ruf Amin advised BNPT to further strengthen collaboration through a multi-party approach. "Based on terrorism in congregation, or carried out together," said Ma'ruf.

He asked BNPT to continue counter-radicalization steps to prevent the development of radicalism. Continue to deradicalize to restore those who have been exposed to radicalism by working together with other ministries and institutions.

The Vice President invited BNPT and all parties to monitor and supervise social media, especially ahead of the 2024 General Election. This is because he assesses that the radical terrorist movement has the potential to thrive ahead of the election.

"Understood all forms of risk, so as not to be used by intolerant people to influence and divide the people. Prevent misuse of social media so as not to become a fertile place for intolerant narratives and hate speech," he concluded.

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