KENDARI - The Provincial National Narcotics Agency (BNNP) of Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra) revealed three narcotics cases with evidence of 1.9 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine and two kilograms of marijuana across provinces throughout May-July 2023.
Head of the Southeast Sulawesi BNNP Eradication Division Kombes Pol Muhammad Santoso said that of the three cases, his party managed to secure as many as four suspects.
"A total of four suspects have the initials WW, AL, AH, and HS," Santoso said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, July 28.
He mentioned that the suspects were arrested at an inn in Kendari City and the red light intersection of Ranomeeto, South Konawe Regency.
According to the statements of the suspects, the methamphetamine and marijuana types came from the Sumatra region.
"These suspects are cross-province networks because the evidence of methamphetamine and marijuana comes from Aceh," he explained.
Santoso said that from the disclosure of the case as much as 923 grams through the delivery service. The perpetrator's initials WW used a fake identity and address.
"He was successfully secured after a 'control delivery' (package whose delivery was controlled by officers) was carried out on July 11, 2023," he said.
Then, continued Santoso, for the delivery of marijuana, the Navy perpetrator sent the illicit goods using a delivery service with the recipient of another perpetrator with the initials AL.
dia menambahkan untuk pengiriman ganja seberat 1,130 gram lainnya yang berhasil disita BNNP Sultra juga dilakukan pengiriman menggunakan jasa pengiriman berhasil diungkap, akan tetapi tersangka kasus tersebut berhasil kabur karena menggunakan nama penerima dan alamat lokal.
"On July 18, 2023, 2 perpetrators with the initials AH and HS were arrested with evidence of 1,990 grams of methamphetamine at one of the inns," he added.
Suspects WW and AL are subject to Article 111 paragraph 1 subsidiary Article 127 paragraph 1 letter a of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics. Meanwhile, suspects AA and HS are subject to Article 114 paragraph 2 subsidiary Article 112 paragraph 2 junto Article 132 paragraph 1 Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.
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