JAKARTA - The East Jakarta Metro Police will explore the name of David Suta, who is often mentioned by Jessica Koroh (33) after hijacking a patrol car. Repeatedly, Jessica often mentions someone named David Suta who is mentioned as her brother.
"Later we will explore (the name of David Suta, who is called the perpetrator as his brother)," said East Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Leonardus Simarmata to reporters, Thursday, July 27.
As is known, when interrogated by the police, Jessica often complained to a man named David Suta. This was discovered at the beginning of the media when officers asked Jessica to contact her family, but she was confused because she did not bring her cellphone.
Jessica also said David was her brother who often helped him.
"It can be contacted via DM IG (direct message Instagram) he (David) who usually helps me," said Jessica, last Sunday, July 23.
"Yes, David Suta, DAVIDSUTA (sells) whose car is Mercy or Ferrari," he said.
Previously, it was reported that the East Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Leonardus Simarmata, emphasized that the perpetrators of the hijacking of patrol cars did not suffer from mental disorders.
"No, no (insurgency)," said Kombes Leonardus when confirmed, Thursday, July 27.
The perpetrator Jessica committed acts of hijacking a patrol car and hit a number of vehicles because they were suspected of being under the influence of narcotics.
"The person concerned is healthy, only under the influence of drugs," he said.
Currently, the East Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) is still investigating the perpetrator's cellphone.
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