PALEMBANG - Immigration Office Officer Class I for Immigration Checks (TPI) Palembang, South Sumatra from January to July 2023 rejected more than 100 applications for passport making as an effort to anticipate the crime of trafficking in persons (TPPO).
"The number of applications for passport making rejected in 2023 has increased compared to the previous year which was only 93 applicants," said Head of the Palembang TPI Class I Immigration Office Mohammad Ridwan as reported by ANTARA, Friday, July 21.
He explained that the refusal to apply for a passport was carried out after officers conducted interviews with applicants suspected of traveling abroad to become illegal Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) or not according to procedural regulations.
"We are trying to take various actions that can help prevent Indonesian citizens from becoming victims of TIP by selectively issuing passports," he said.
In addition to being selective in issuing passports, his party will also continue to socialize and educate the public regarding the understanding of the dangers of abusing passports and losses as victims of TIP.
In this educational activity, his party seeks to provide understanding to the public about the importance of becoming an official PMI if they want to work abroad so that they can obtain their rights and obligations according to the provisions and not become victims of TIP.
"This is in line with the policy of the Directorate General of Immigration which supports government policies to prevent PMI from becoming a victim of TIP," said MohammadRidwan.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) of South Sumatra, Ilham Djaya, said that the anticipatory steps taken by the Palembang Immigration office were a form of support from the ranks of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in order to prevent PMI from becoming a victim of TIP overseas.
"I encourage officers from the Palembang Immigration Office to continue to be selective in issuing passports, if there are people who apply for passports, it is strongly suspected that they will become illegal migrant workers who are asked to firmly reject their applications," he said.
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