The General Election Commission held a simulation of the 2024 General Election voting and counting in Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan.
"KPU Kukar is the last area to hold this national simulation after South Tangerang, Bogor, and Palembang. This simulation aims to make the voting process and vote count in the 2024 General Election effective," said KPU Technical Division Coordinator Idham Holik at the Kutai Kartanegara KPU office, Tenggarong, Saturday, July 15.
The simulation was attended by the Deputy Chief of the East Kalimantan Regional Police Brigadier General Mujiyono, Kutai Kartanegara Regent Edy Damansyah and the ranks of the Regional Police forkopimda, BawasluRI and East Kalimantan, East Kalimantan KPU Chairman Rudiansyah, KPU chairman Kutai Kartanegara Purnomo, as well as representatives of political parties throughout East Kalimantan.
Idham explained that this simulation of voting and vote counting was part of an effort to simplify the design of ballots and voter forms using a new model to be used in the 2024 Pemilu.
He said the ballot used in the 2024 General Election is planned to be simplified to two or three models.
The ballot model will contain the column of candidates for president and vice presidential candidates, as well as candidates for members of the House of Representatives (DPR) combined with candidates for members of the Regional Representative Council (DPD).
In this model, there will be no photos of candidates, but only their names. Meanwhile, the second sheet contains candidates for members of the provincial House of Representatives (DPRD) combined with candidates for district/city DPRD members.
Idham explained that the vote counting process will use a calculation using the two panel method. The goal is to summarize the time so that there is no work accident considering that there are five ballots that must be calculated.
"We are committed to realizing zero work accidents because in 2019 there were many KPPS officers who died due to fatigue. God willing, in the future the process will be much faster," said Idham.
He explained that the two panels consist of panel A and B. With the two panels method, the voting group (KPPS) officer consisting of seven people can be divided into two groups.
Panel A is tasked with calculating the votes acquired by the president and vice president as well as members of the DPD RI. Panel B can count the votes of members of the DPR RI, provincial DPRD, and district/city DPRD.
Meanwhile, in the 2019 election, the KPU only used the one panel method in vote counting.
"Based on the results of previous simulations, the two panels make time efficient or can cut time. Hopefully, it will not be until early morning," he said.
East Kalimantan Deputy Police Chief Brigadier General Mujiyono expressed his appreciation to the KPU for the simplification of ballot design and voter form.
"With this simulation, it is hoped that simplification of ballot design and voter form can help increase public involvement in general elections and minimize potential errors and errors in voter counting," he explained.
According to him, this simplification effort will help the community in understanding and implementing their voting rights more easily and efficiently.
In addition, the Deputy Chief of Police also emphasized the importance of maintaining security and order during all stages of the 2024 General Election.
"In this context, the Forkopimda of Kukar Regency participated in the simulation activities and showed the synergy between the police and local governments in maintaining security during the general election," he said.
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