SORONG - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin continued his working visit to Papua, by visiting Sorong City, Southwest Papua.

The Vice President departed from Rendani Manokwari Airport to Domine Eduard Osok Airport, Sorong, at around 18.30 WIT on the Boeing 737-400 Indonesian Air Force Presidential Aircraft.

After a flight of about 40 minutes, the Vice President arrived at Domine Eduard Osok Sorong Airport, greeted by Acting Governor of Southwest Papua Muhammad Musa'ad, the ranks of the TNI/Polri, West Papua Kabinda and accompanied by a pick-up dance by dancers wearing traditional Papuan clothing.

The Vice President's work agenda in Sorong will begin on Sunday (16/7) tomorrow by holding an audience with the Acting Governor of Southwest Papua, religious leaders, traditional leaders, and leaders of the people of Southwest Papua.

Selanjutnya pada Senin (17/7), sebelum kembali ke Jakarta, Wapres akan menghadiri acara Peletakan Batu Pertama Sentra Sarana Prasarana Pemerintah Provinsi Papua Barat Daya.

Since last Tuesday (11/7), the Vice President has visited a number of points in Papua, namely Timika and Nabire in Central Papua, then Fak-fak, Bintuni and Manokwari in West Papua.

The working visit of the Vice President who is also the Head of the Steering Committee for the Acceleration of Special Autonomy Development Papua (BP3OKP) to Papua to ensure development in Papua goes according to plan.

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