JAYAPURA - Member of the Mobile Brigade of the Papua Police, Bripka Laode Imran, a victim of the Dogiyai riot, Central Papua, was evacuated to Jayapura and immediately taken to Bhayangkara Hospital.
The Head of the Papua Police Health Office, Kombes dr. Nariyana, said that Bripka Laode Imran is currently being treated in the ICU room at Bhayangkara Hospital and when he arrives he is unconscious.
Bripka Laode Imran suffered pain in the neck due to an arrow stab wound with a length of about 130-150 cm made of iron.
It is suspected that the victim was shot from a distance of about 100 meters. The victim and two of his colleagues who were injured Friday (14/7) were evacuated to Nabire.
"Currently, patients undergo therapy in the form of three liters of oxygen installation per minute, monitoring installation, installation of catheters, and provision of 0.9 percent NATL infusion of 1000 cc per 24 hours," explained Kombes Nariyana.
Papua Police Chief Inspector General Mathius Fakhiri visited the victim who was scheduled to be evacuated to Jakarta.
"The victim Bripka Laode Imran is scheduled for Sunday (16/7) to be evacuated to Jakarta and handled by a doctor at the Sukanto Police Hospital," explained Kombes dr Nariyana.
Meanwhile, a member of the Dogiai Police who was also a victim of the riot, Bripda Totaling, is being treated at the Nabire Hospital.
"Bripda Totaling, who is a member of the Dogiai Police, is being treated at the Nabire Hospital," said dr. Nariyana.
Riots in Dogiyai, Central Papua, left three members of the TNI-Polri injured as a result of being hit by arrows.
69 units of buildings were recorded on fire, with details of 13 plots of buildings on the middle road of Kampung Tokapo, nine plots of buildings at the T-junction of Kamu Selatan, eight plots of buildings on Jalan Trans Nabire-Enarotali, Kampung Ekimanida, Kamu District.
Then 35 plots of buildings located in the Ikebo Market complex, and four plots of buildings in Kampung Kimupugi, District You precisely in front of the Dogiyai District Health Center.
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