13 Cross-Border Posts Built By The Ministry Of PUPR Since 2015
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) since 2015 has completed the construction of 13 cross-border posts (PLBN) as an effort by the government to maintain state sovereignty and reduce disparities and equalize infrastructure development, especially in border areas.
"Since 2015, the Ministry of PUPR has carried out the construction of 18 PLBN with the progress of 13 PLBNs completed, consisting of 7 PLBNs built in Wave I, namely Aruk, Entikong, Badau (West Kalimantan), Motaain, Motamasin, Wini (NTT), and Skouw (Papua). Furthermore, 6 PLBNs were built in Wave II, namely Serasan (Riau Islands), Jagoi Babang (West Kalimantan), Sei Pancang/Seiman Mosquito (North Kalimantan), Napan (NTT), Yetetkun, and Sota (Papua), "said Director General (Dirjen) Cipta Karya of the Ministry of PUPR Diana Kusumastuti as reported by ANTARA, Monday, July 10.
Diana explained, for 2 PLBNs that are still in the construction process, namely PLBN Long Nawang with a progress of 88.6 percent and a sport with a progress of 95.2 percent (North Kalimantan).
The Ministry of PUPR also built infrastructure to support the development of socio-economic activities in border areas, including roads to border and parallel borders, markets, special houses, and other infrastructure.
In the context of developing Border Areas, the Ministry of PUPR also received an assignment through Presidential Instruction No. 1 of 2021 concerning the Acceleration of Economic Development in State Border Areas in Aruk, Motaain, and Skouw, with an implementation period of 2 years (2021-2022).
In the implementation of Presidential Instruction No.1 of 2021, there are 12 activities that have been completed at the 2021-2022 FY, namely in Aruk in the form of road construction in line with Temejuk-Aruk-Nanga Badau and Nanga Era-Batas East Kalimantan along 191.7 km with a budget of IDR 1.27 trillion (TA 2021-2022), construction of the Sambas Regency National Road for the Merbau section. Themejuk.
The Tebas Jembatan Sambas Besar, and the Sambas Besar Merbau Bridge with a budget of IDR 395.1 M (TA 2021-2022), and the construction of SPAM in Sajingan Besar District with a total allocation of IDR 6.9 billion (TA 2021-2022).
Furthermore, in Motaain, namely the construction of the Baku Water Embung in Lakmanen District, FY 2022 with a budget of Rp. 6.9 billion (TA 2022), the construction of an Inland Water Drill Well in East Tasifeto District with a budget of Rp. 1.6 billion (TA 2022).
The handling of the PLBN Motaain Roofupu 6 km (TA 2021-2022) road with a budget of IDR 230.3 billion.
Then the handling of roads within the City of Atambua with a budget of Rp230.3 billion, handling the Kupang road Democratic Republic of Timor Leste/RDTL (TA 2021-2022 with a budget of Rp230.3 billion, and handling the Falur - Nualain Henes FA 2021 road with a budget of Rp40.4 billion.
Finally, the three activities that have been completed are in Skouw in the form of the construction of the Border Primary Irrigation Channel Inspection Road in East Koya, the rehabilitation of SPAM in Muara Tami District with a budget of Rp. 192.5 million (TA 2021), and an increase in the capacity and quality of provincial roads connecting Koya Timur-West Koya Village along the 4.2 km with a budget of Rp. 7.4 billion (DAK 2022).
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